Sunday 17 May 2020

Tangoed Green!

The back lawn, in my fantasy "The Bowling Green" is looking very poor.  Scarified and raked, the moss is reduced, but the grass needs more encouragement with feeding and watering.  So first and establishing shot on the phone:
Hmm... You can see the bald bits, but the grass looks too green in the photo.  I suspect I'm the victim of Silicon Valley assuming that everyone lives in the Californian sunshine, and has corrected accordingly.  Bill Bryson described the overcast skies of Yorkshire as like living in Tupperware.  Very apt.  And that was Yorkshire - the sunny side of the watershed, not dribbly Lancashire, mild and wet as a Gogglebox commentary.  How can I show improvement in the lawn if it's already lurid green?  I want the Charles Atlas 'before' picture, first.  So here's a desaturated photo - fiddled about with until it looks convincingly like Reality, not some spray-painted Mohave desert golf course (they do that, you know.  Monty Don said so: it must be true).
That's better.  Ugh!

Speaking of 'The Don', he was on telly on Friday, telling us how to propagate cuttings.  So Genie and I set to with penknife and potting compost on Saturday, and had a go.  These are cuttings from sage, lavender and rosemary bushes, now ensconced in the greenhouse.  (It's too small to call a greenhouse. I'll name it... The Greencupboard.)

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