Saturday 9 May 2020


Washed pots.

Genie took the initiative, and started weeding yesterday.  Well, that's where we started.  We removed the ancient and crumbling lid from the old compost bin, though 'bin' hardly describes it: a stone and brick edifice built to last.  I got halfway through removing a low front wall a couple of years ago.  Pippy wanted to build a summer house at the back of the garden, and this was the first step in demolition.  I didn't quite see the logic of having a summer house looking onto the veg plot.  Now I understand that this is a good place to escape the domestic environment, away from the house, a sun-trap and the part of the garden that gets the most attention.  During our coronavirus lockdown I've appreciated this hideaway too.  But I don't think I'll be building a summer house here now.
More flowers, are coming into bloom.  Peony:
A standard rhododendron. This is looking a little worse for wear, and maybe suffering from too much competition.  I'll try to remember to water it more.
A large fern is just getting going:


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