Monday 23 March 2020

Voyage of the Lawntreader

A beautiful weekend, sunny and bright.  Thunderbird 2 was looking at me meaningfully from it temporary home at the back of the kitchen.  I had words:  Once you've got all dirty, you have to live in the shed... Still it looked back at me.

First, I mowed the lawn on a fairly low setting.  This was the second cut of the year, and the grass is thick and lush, so many trips to the compost bins with grass cuttings.  Post cutting, it look tidy:
Tea break, then the scarifier.  The moss was really thick on even the most exposed part of the lawn (right of photo). The grass box (moss box?) was not picking up the er, scarifications and the motor stopped frequently - maybe there's too much moisture in the lawn.  It worked better without the grass box, but of course left the moss on the ground.  I called in reinforcements in the shape of Genie.  We spend the rest of the day scarifying, raking and carrying moss.  I was expecting the lawn to look a little battered afterwards, and so it did.  But not all the moss is out by any means.
And the compost heap:
Thunderbird 2 is now in the shed.

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