Friday, 23 October 2020

First Catch Your Beetroot

This is not a recipe for pickled beetroot. This is an experiment in making pickled beetroot based on a recipe for pickled beetroot.

First catch your beetroot
Washed, topped and tailed, we had about a kilo.
We simmered this very gently for an hour.
Meanwhile, we toasted about 4tsp of mixed pickling spice.
We added a mixture of red wine vinegar and pickling vinegar, because that's what we had. Total 700mg. Both have the 6% strength, which is necessary to preserve the beetroot.
We peeled the hot roots over a bowl of cold water - to make them handleable.
Then chopped the beetroot small enough to fit the jars. The jars and lids were washed and sterilised in a 'cool' oven. We filled the jars, leaving a space so that all the veg will be covered in vinegar and still with enough room for an air gap. Then we added a teaspoon of rocksalt.
Finally we filled the jars with the hot spiced vinegar and screwed the lids on.
The lids are of the 'tamper proof' type, that pop reassuringly to a concave shape as the jars cool.
Now we have to leave them alone for a couple of weeks.
Then eat.
If it tastes okay, put labels on and call it a recipe.

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