Friday 15 May 2020


Time to take stock of a minor natural disaster and man-made disappointment, and to consider some plant repair work.
I've been watering at the wrong time, spraying the bean seedlings in the evening. Consequently, they have stayed wet overnight and now have mildew.  Silly me.  Lesson learnt.  
We have some bean seeds left over, so there's still time to get some more plants germinated.

We had a hard frost BB (before blog), which caught some plants.  In particular, a forest flame by the arbour was badly hit. Also, an honesty bush, which looks very scruffy and misshapen.  I need to look at chopping it back.
Which brings me on to the next problem: this 'rose bed' in which two tall evergreens have outgrown the space.  The roses are still there, but some look very sad (the honesty, too).
The trees do provide some privacy from neighbouring gardens, at least as much for the neighbours because this garden is elevated compared to them.  Decisions.  I'm minded to cut the trees down and try to recover the roses.

It's not all bad news. Genie and I cleared part of the path border and planted some rockery plants which we had bought from the local garden centre on Wednesday (the first day we were allowed to visit under lockdown rules).  Being a skinflint, I split the large plants.
Campanula next to the fern. Delosperma, the little pink flowers at the top, closed up for the evening in this picture.
Sedum, the blue-green succulent, top right.  
The bushy herb is lemon balm - it makes a slightly lemony tea which, though a little bland, is genuinely calming and relaxing.  Great as a bedtime drink apart from being somewhat 'windy' (they say), ahem.  The other bit:
Genie and I did a little casual weeding this evening:
(The wheelie is already full.)

Tool of the Day:
Use with caution.

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