Thursday 5 March 2020


Assembled mini greenhouse this morning (£60 from Homebase in Kendal). Put the greenhouse on patio near the house.  It only gets sun from about 1pm. There's nowhere with more light near the house.  Alternatively, I could put it in the veg plot ( which is somewhat self-defeating)  or possibly make a space for it near the shed when I rebuild it, though this area gets more afternoon shade.

Potted up herb seeds with Genie's help this afternoon, and placed in greenhouse.  Parsley, corriander, basil.  Also tomato (Alicante).  Last year, I didn't plant the tomatoes quickly enough.  
Dug out the stone mint trough, which did almost nothing last year, and re-potted some roots.  Also started some bits of root ok n the greenhouse.

1 comment:

  1. Great little investment, just ordered seeds from sutton seads,, let's hope I get time to clean the greenhouse and get them done.. wish I had more time.
    Spring is nearly here and the bluebells will be out, the magnolia is budding always, soon the hammock will be put together and I can sleep in the garden looking at the stars


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