Saturday 29 February 2020

More Brambles

Cleared the brambles from the corner of the pergola patio.  This is always a pain because the brambles have got quite well established.  They grow into a honeysuckle, pampas and a large fern on the west wall.
There's a large rambling dog rose on the veg plot wall that I'm not sure what to do with.  It's grows and spreads quickly and the flowers aren't that great or long-lived, but the rose hips are nice to see in the autumn.  I would replace it, but it's not a real problem, so can wait.  There a shrub next to it (Pyracantha?) Which is leggy and out of shape through competition with the rose.
The pergola is looking in its second year.  We built it off a stone wall which has a fragrant honeysuckle and a clematis.  The honeysuckle is strong and robust and will need pruning and training.  The clematis has a strong stem, but is out-competed by the honeysuckle.  The outer corners have trellis supporting a passion flower and a wisteria.  Pippy used to call it Wally Wisteria in memory of her Dad.  I suppose I've got a Pippy Passion Flower now.  The garden also has a Rita Rubina, which has had a tough life - first, living in a pot with too much shade in our last house, then overgrown in a flower bed, then transplanted and overgrown again.  I'll see what I can do with it.  Given a decent chance it will be a beautiful tree, but needs some TLC.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for the Rita Rubina.. It'll do well in the long run, I'm very sure. I know what you mean about the honeysuckle and clematis. The honeysuckle is so robust. We got a one inch cutting from a local wood years and years ago.. The honeysuckle is in most shaded areas here now.. Clematis, even the most vigorous, can and does wilt with or without the clematis..


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